Monday, January 31, 2011


Okay, so, I'm trying not to flood my blog with dozens of posts but there was an article in the Denver Tribune calling for ban of high-capacity magazines. While this is firearms related it is also a political stance. Should I cover it and give my opinion or leave politics out of it?

Mossberg 702 Plinkster review tonight!

Today is my first day at my new job! But as soon as I get home I'll be reviewing my Plinkster. I figured a semi-automatic .22lr would be a good place to start; both will reviewing and buying.

Other guns I hope to review soon; Mossberg 500 (12 gauge), Llama Comanche IV (.44mag), Maverick 88 (12 guage) and a Mossberg 100ATR (30-06). These are simply the guns I have access to now, but with this job comes new funds!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First post!

So, this is Bullets and Gigabytes. Not sure which direction it's going to take, yet. It will probably cover my primary two interests; firearms and nerddom. I kind of also want to use this as a testing ground to improve my writing for the most part. I'll probably start out and focus on firearms related posts, as that's where the bulk of my knowledge lies. I'll probably do some reviews of games, movies, and books. I appreciate input in the comments section, so don't be shy!