Sunday, January 30, 2011

First post!

So, this is Bullets and Gigabytes. Not sure which direction it's going to take, yet. It will probably cover my primary two interests; firearms and nerddom. I kind of also want to use this as a testing ground to improve my writing for the most part. I'll probably start out and focus on firearms related posts, as that's where the bulk of my knowledge lies. I'll probably do some reviews of games, movies, and books. I appreciate input in the comments section, so don't be shy!


  1. Try to think outside of the box man! There's plenty of blogs that review games and movies. Who am I to say what you should blog about though. I just talk about my life in general. But good luck with whatever you decide on :) i'll be following in anticipation :p

  2. Ha, yeah, the games and movies will most likely be something of boredom/writing practice. I'll mostly be discussing firearms and such, and reviewing the ones I own. Like I said I don't quite now which direction to go in. It's mainly a tool of boredom. Thanks for the comment!

  3. A stream aka. "combo" tends to break after a while. A first without a second is quite a full electron shell.

    Welcome. Beam & Sprite be your enemy, fight we shall.

  4. I would've preferred the creamsoda whiskey blog. Sounds awesome.

    Check out my prog blog!

  5. Ha, I agree. However I feel that Bullets and Gigabytes addresses my interests: firearms and nerd shit. Have you ever mixed cream soda and whiskey? It's delicious.

    Awesome blog, btw.

  6. Cream soda and whiskey is pretty delicious. Then again, so are bullets. Wait what? Will be following to see what you have to say though.

  7. @ Spontaneous: I've never been much into it but I find the milsim game concept pretty interesting. I may try it out one of these days.

  8. Looking forward to what you have to say !

  9. good luck :)
    Click on my name to view and follow my blogs!

  10. Good luck then! :)
    Following and supporting!

  11. @ anoodle: Not yet! College student with not a lot of funds yet. It's one of those things I definitely want to get into. Don't exactly know how though. If you have any advice I'd appreciate it.

  12. hey, nice blog! i will follow!
    check out mine, too!


    thank u! =)


  13. I look forward to your posts! :)
